Wednesday 1 January 2014

Books or Internet

Books or Internet,

What would you choose?

Let me ask you a question

You are given an assignment of Research Paper or Essay Writing, what will you prefer; either to extract the information from book or the Internet?

Majority of the student will simply go for the internet, I will also. But the question arises that what kind of information can we extract from internet? Is it authentic for your assignment?

The answer of the above mention question will be uncertain.

How about a book from a well known author on the relevant subject you are assigned to write?

Surely! Masses will answer in positivity, because we all acknowledge the intelligence of the author and are also aware of his credentials.

Without further boring you, if you ask me in a nut shell. The information you extract from a book is far better and authentic as compared to the one provided on internet.

So get up grab a book and start reading, as you don't want to have an ordinary research paper.

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