Thursday 2 January 2014

Artists and Their Creations

As you can depict from the title of my new blog post, this article will be all about the people ranging from Pablo Picasso to Raphael. Artists; the gems of creativity! People with extraordinary imaginations and impeccable nostalgia.
Sounding different from professions but their brains urges and craves for creativity.
True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist
(Albert Einstein)

Artists play with their creativity on the canvas with the spectrum of colors transforming their thoughts into a beautiful portrait. Mona Lisa to be precisely is a master piece created by Leonardo Da Vinci. Have we ever got into the ocean of thought that what are the factors that transform them in to a non-humane thinking and creative machine?

Personally if I guess it is the desire to express them. The feeling of love, the burning of passions, the delight of happiness, the rage of sorrows and the nostalgia of loneliness.

As a person I am very fond of taking painting and art classes but somewhere in my inner self there is a voice that makes proclamation that “you can’t learn the art you have to feel the art”.

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